The effect of using rubber cords on muscle power of legs and arms for field hockey juniors

Document Type : Original Article


Department of team sports and rackets games , Faculty of physical education, bani suef university


Research Abstract
The effect of using rubber cords on muscle power
of legs and arms for field hockey juniors

Prepared / Dr. Wesam Abdel Moneim El bana

The research aims to identify effect of using rubber cords exercises on muscle power of legs and arms for field hockey juniors under15 years, the researcher used experimental method due to its suitability and nature of research through experimental design using pre- and post- per one group, the researcher choose research sample in a deliberate from sharkia sports clubs where number of sample (30) juniors, and the researcher use muscle power tests as a means of data collection, and the most important results training program using rubber cords exercises positive impact on muscle power of legs and arms for field hockey juniors under15 years , and the most important recommendations apply training program using rubber cords because of its effective on development performance level of muscle power of legs and arms for field hockey juniors .


Main Subjects