Social phobia and mental alertness among female practitioners And non-practices for sport

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Educational and Social Sciences - College of Physical Education for Women - Zagazig University


The aim of the research is to identify the role of enjoying a level of physical fitness and practicing sports activity in reducing the phenomenon of social phobia and stimulating mental alertness among new students of the College of Physical Education. 42.46%) of the total community for the research, and the researcher has committed to all precautionary measures in dealing with the research sample, where wearing the muzzle and social distancing, and data was collected through the mobile phone number of each student and the most important results were • The practice of sports activities for students plays an important role in enjoying fitness Physically distinguishes them from other non-practicing sports.
• Female students who practice sports activities are characterized by a low level of social phobia compared to other students who do not practice sports activity.
• Female students who practice sports activity are characterized by a high level of mental alertness compared to other students who do not practice sports activities.
The researcher also recommended the need to raise awareness of the importance of practicing sports activities for life in general and especially before joining the College of Physical Education.


Main Subjects