The effectiveness of ballet Fit program on some psychological and physical aspects in females age (18-25) years

Document Type : Original Article


college of phisical education for weman / helwan universty / egypt


The purpose of this study is to identify the effectiveness of ballet Fit program on body -self relation and fear of negative evaluation and some phasical abilities(strength of the legs muscles ,abdomintal muscle strength,balance , flaxbility,)for girls age (18-25) years .the researcher used thedynamomeater test to masure, strength of legs ,bending core for flixbility and standing on one toe test for masur balance ),and. experimental design was adapted in this study using twogroups :first one the experimental group (n=10) second the control group (n=10) girls , age (18-25 ) years the duration of program were (10) weeks with three training unit per week (30) unit the duration of each unit within the program was (55) menuts results demonstrated the positive effective of the ballet fit programe on body -self relation and fear of negative evaluation and some physical abilities strength of the legs muscles ,abdomintal muscles strength ,flixbility and balance ) ofresearch group.


Main Subjects