The effective of folk dance movements program on depression and optimism in the corona pandemic.

Document Type : Original Article


college of phisical education for weman / helwan universty / egypt


The purpose of this study is to identify the effectiveness of folk dance movements program on depression ,optimism and pessimism for girls in the second year of college of physical education for girls helwan univiristy , . second year the researcher used the experimental design in this study and it was adapted in this study using two groups :first one is the experimental group (n=23) girl , second one is the control group (n=23) girls , age (19) years old the duration of the program were (8) weeks with three training unit per week and (60) minutes for the duration of each unit within the program. The researcher used the Beak test for measuring depression ,(2003) ,and the Magdy Aldesoky test (2015) test for measuring optimism and pessimism , the results was demonstrated the positive effective of the folk dance movement program on decreese the depretion , pessimism and increase optimism of research group.
