The effect of a shock wave rehabilitative program to fire the Achilles tendon bursa

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University


The spread of the rate of injuries in the field of sports activities has become a phenomenon that calls for the attention of all workers in the sports field and at all levels of practice, whether for emerging players or for local or international players, and despite the progress in various natural sciences and the adoption of new methods of treatment, the use of the latest equipment and the provision of specialists Of doctors and sports injuries specialist, but sports injuries are still prevalent in all sports activities and negatively affect the level of performance.
With the expansion of the base of practicing sport in all years and the severity of the struggle to achieve victory and distinction in sports competitions, the thinness of professionalism and the transformation of the player into a valuable human machine controlled by financial regulations, hence the care of athletes has become an obligation on all sports institutions of different and varied segments that deal with them from practitioners And sports champions.
Therefore, injuries have become the main focus of interest in sports medicine and physical education scientists to try to reach a system, whether from a preventive or therapeutic point of view, for all injury problems.
Among these injuries that negatively affect those who practice sports activities Achilles tendon injuries


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