The effect of using Tabata exercises on the physical efficiency and biological indicators of military pentathlon players.

Document Type : Original Article




To identify the effect of Tabata exercises on the physical efficiency of military pentathlon players, and on biological indicators and the effect of Tabata exercises on improving the performance level of the “digital level”Vital capacity (VC), normal respiratory air volume (TV), expiratory reserve volume (ERV), inspiratory vital capacity (ivc), respiratory rate (RR), respiratory efficiency (PE), anaerobic capacity, maximal oxygen consumption (vo2max) , resting heart rate (hr), maximum post-exercise heart rate (maxhr), resting lactate, post-performance lactate of military pentathlon players. The researcher used the experimental method using the experimental design of two groups, by applying the measurement Tribal and dimensional, the effect of high intensity interval training in Tabata style positively on some of the special physical abilities under study The effect of high intensity interval training in Tabata style positively on the digital level of military sports contestants.Where they were divided into two groups of equal sample size (14)military sports


Main Subjects