An Educational Program In Terms Of Electromyographic Analysis Of Muscles And Its Impact On Some Physical Abilities And Performance Level Of Back Rolling Skill Handstand In Artistic Gymnastics

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Of Physical Education For Girls - Alexandria University

2 Faculty Of Physical Education For Girls -ASlexandria University


The two researchers used the experimental approach in the way of tribal and remote measurements for two groups, one experimental and the other a control, and the research sample was chosen in a deliberate way from the students of the second year at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Alexandria University, and their number was (70) students, they were divided into two groups, the experimental group numbered (35) students They were subjected to the educational program, the control group numbered (35) students who were subjected to the traditional program, and the proposed program was applied for a period of "4 weeks" by one unit each week at a time of (90) minutes. Reaching the most important results, which are the superiority of the educational program for the experimental group over the traditional program for the control group in improving the physical abilities and skill performance of back rolling skill and standing on hands in artistic gymnastics, as there is a clear improvement in the physical and skill measurements under discussion in favor of the post measurement.


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