The effectiveness of using educational inclusion with peers and siblings on the development of fundamental motor skills and adaptive behavior of children with autism

Document Type : Original Article


1 Qassim University education college physical education and kinesiology department

2 Qassim university, Education College, special education department.

3 physical education and kinesiology department, education college, Qassim University


The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of use three types of peer tutoring in the physical activity and motor learning sessions for children with autism disorder. Study samples were 25 children with autism disorder in the Qassim region, divided into three groups, (Group A) untrained peers, (Group B) trained peers, and (Group C) trained peers. Peers into group B and C trained on guidance through theoretical and practical lectures to provide support and assistance during physical and motor learning activities. Basic motor skills measured using Test of gross motor development (TGMD-3) battery, adaptive behavior measured by the Vinland Adaptive Behavior Scale. Physical fitness variables measured through handgrip strength, PACER test, resting heart rate (RHR), work heart rate (WHR), and the number of calories consumed during physical activity. The results showed a significant improvement in the three groups in basic motor skills, while the (Group C) showed a significant superiority over all groups in ball skills, the rate of calories consumed during physical activity, and the RHR and WHR. Group C also showed significant increase over Group B and C in just one dimension of adaptive behavior scale, which was communication skills. Researchers have recommended using trained peer sibling strategies to help autistic children to develop motor skills, communication skills and physical fitness.


Main Subjects

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