The effect of using cluster training supplemented by taking doses of water on some biochemical variables (NA-K) and the level of skill performance of volleyball players

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tanta University

2 Non


The effect of using cluster training supplemented by taking doses of water on some biochemical variables (NA-K) and the level of skill performance of volleyball players
∙Prof. Dr. Muhannad Munir Abu Hamar
∙∙ Dr. Sahib Al shahat Al-Bahnasy

The aim of the current research is to identify the effect of using cluster training supported by taking water doses on the level of balance of biochemical variables and the level of some physical variables and the endurance of the skill performance of sending and crushing hitting among volleyball players. (19:16) in general, and their number reached (35) volleyball players, and (20) players were chosen as the basic research sample by the intentional method, and (12) players from the research community were used as an exploratory sample, and (3) were excluded. Players from the research community due to the injury of one of them, and the non-commitment of players to attend, which called the researchers to exclude them from the sample under research, and the following table shows the description of the research community, and the most important results were that the cluster training supported by positive water doses contributed to improving the level of some biochemical variables for volleyball players The experimental group is superior to the control group in the post-measurement with percentage change differences that ranged between (6.42%: 27.89%) and in favor of the experimental group in the biochemical variables under study. The most important cluster is superior to the control group in the dimensional measurement


Main Subjects

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