The effectiveness of Cross Fit training Cross Fit on some variables of "body composition and image - neuralgia" for obese teenage girls

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Zigzag University


The research aims to design a training program using Cross Fit exercises Cross Fit And knowing its effect on some body composition variables represented in (body fat weight FBW Body fat percentage - Body fat - free weight LBW The thickness of the skin and fat folds represented in (behind the humerus, lower plate, abdomen, upper thigh) and some psychological variables represented in (body image - neuralgia) for adolescent physiques. The research was applied to a sample of adolescent girls participating in the Sharkia Sports Club in Zagazig who did not practice any sporting activity inside the club. They consisted of (50) teenage girls who were divided into two groups, one experimental and the other controlling, each of (25) girls. The researcher used some tests to measure Physical variables (under investigation), and some devices to analyze body composition, and some psychological scales to measure the body image of the adolescent and nervous neuralgia. The results of the research showed that the proposed program using Cross Fit exercises Cross Fit It had a positive impact on the development of some body composition variables represented in ( body fat weight FBW Body fat percentage - Body fat - free weight LBW) and the thickness of the skin and fat folds ( behind the upper arm, lower back, abdomen, upper thigh ) for teenage girls .


Main Subjects

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ثالثاً: مراجع الشبکة الدولية للمعلومات:
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