The effect of anaerobic exercises to develop some special physical abilities On the speed of accomplishing the lightning attack of handball juniors

Document Type : Original Article


Fuclty of physical Education Menofia University


The research aimed to design a training program using anaerobic exercises for handball juniors under (16) years old and to know its effect on the special physical abilities (muscular ability of the arms and legs - transitional speed - agility - flexibility of the trunk and thigh) and the speed of achievement of the lightning attack (individual - expanded) for female handball girls under (16) years old, and the researcher used the experimental method on a sample of (12) handball juniors under (16) years old, and the research tools are: physical tests - skill tests - the training program using anaerobic exercises.
Among the most important results:
1-There are statistically significant differences at the level of 0.05 between the tribal and remote measurements of the individuals of the basic research sample in the special physical abilities in favor of the post measurement.
2-There are improvement rates for the dimensional measurement over the tribal measurement for the individuals of the basic research sample in the special physical abilities that ranged between (6.99%: 40.19%).


Main Subjects