The effectiveness of a program using guided discovery on learning the basic principles of swimming for beginners

Document Type : Original Article


College of Physical Education -Zagazig University


an introduction: •
Teaching fields vary in light of the different age stages, and each stage has its own characteristics and teaching methods that differ from the other. By modifying appropriate teaching methods in order to develop the child's abilities to keep pace with the future process in life. (3:52)
The teaching methods used by the teacher are one of the most important aspects of the educational process, and each method has a specific role in preparing learners in terms of knowledge, skill and affection, and there is no single method that can contribute to the overall development of the learner, as the goals change, the teaching method must change with them. As the method of teaching by guided discovery gives the child the freedom to choose the mechanism for implementing the skill, and solutions are presented in more than one form to reach the goal as quickly as possible. This method is also characterized by making the child think and produce using his information in mental processes that end with reaching the results through research and discovery. (102:6)


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