The effectiveness of the cube strategy in developing cognitive achievement and the level of performance of some basic skills in a physical education lesson

Document Type : Original Article


College of Physical Education for Boys and Girls in Port Said / Port Said University


This research aims to identify “the effectiveness of the cube strategy in developing cognitive achievement and the level of performance of some basic skills in the physical education lesson.” The researcher used the experimental approach with the experimental design of two groups, one experimental and the other controlling, The number of the sample was (40) students, and they were divided into two groups, one experimental and the other controlling, the number of each group (20) students, from the first preparatory grade students at Talaat Harb Preparatory School in Port Fouad, Port Said Governorate, and the most important results were the modern cube strategy in teaching that had the greatest positive impact. In increasing the cognitive achievement and developing the level of skill performance of the basic skills in handball for the preparatory stage students under study more than the method used in education by the teacher. The survival effect of learning for the students of the experimental group (the cube strategy) was more in the memorization and comprehension of the cognitive experiences in the cognitive achievement test on the students of the control group (the method of commands) represented by the explanation and the model from the teacher, and the researcher recommends applying the modern cube strategy in teaching on other skills in a physical education lesson. .

Keywords: cube strategy - cognitive achievement - handball - physical education lesson.


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