The effect of balance exercises and mastery learning style on some Physical and skill variables for volleyball juniors

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer in the Department of Gymnastics , Exercises ,Kinetic Expression and Sports Shows – Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University

2 Lecturer, Department of Theories and Applications of Sports Games and Racquet Games, Faculty of Physical Education - Arish University


The aim of the current research is to identify the effect of balance exercises with mastery learning on some physical variables and the level of skill performance under discussion among volleyball juniors. / 2022 AD, numbering (32) young people, the researchers chose (12) young people representing a percentage (37.50%) of the research community as the basic research sample, and 12 other young people were selected from the research community and outside the basic sample representing a percentage (37.5) %) as an exploratory research sample to find scientific transactions for the tests under study, and the researchers excluded (8) youths from the research community due to the injury of two and the non-commitment of others to attend, and the most important results were that balance exercises in the style of mastery learning positively affected the improvement of the physical variables under research in a sample The research, where the rates of improvement in the muscular ability of the legs, arms and trunk, static and motor balance ranged between (5.88%: 62.45%), balance exercises using the method of mastery learning positively affected the steady improvement The skill performance of the research sample, where the improvement rates in the wall test reached (44.41%), while the improvement rates in the preparation skill test in volleyball reached (48.68%).


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