Designing and standardizing an electronic system as a standard test for mental alertness and its components according to brain control patterns as a basis for building a proposed training program On the life-saving performance of a life-saver on the water in Minia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education minia university


Designing and building an electronic system and standardizing it as a standard test for mental alertness and its components (cognitive burden tolerance, attention sustainability and focus) according to brain control patterns (left/balanced/right) as a basis for building a training program on the rescue performance of a lifesaver on the water. To design, legalize and build standard levels of mental alertness and its components for (105) rescuers, then the experimental approach due to the nature of the training program based on the electronic system for three experimental groups for (36) rescuers divided into three types of brain control (left / balanced / right) and the most important results were: To the contrast of differences between the patterns of brain control and prediction of mental alertness in the light of the contribution of its components, building standard levels, legalizing a standard test for mental alertness, building a measure of rescue performance and the effectiveness of the training program based on the electronic system


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