Reproductive culture female students of the Faculty of Physical Education "a comparative study"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of physical education for girls, Helwan University

2 Faculty of physical education, Helwan university

3 Faculty of Physical education for girls, Helwan University


The research aimed to identify the level of reproductive culture among students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Helwan University for (first-fourth) groups, with studying the differences between the responses of the students of the two groups towards the axes of reproductive culture, and using the descriptive approach was applied to a deliberate sample of (350) students from Female students of the College of Physical Education for Girls for the academic year 2020/2021, and their ages ranged between (23:19 years), where a questionnaire consisting of (56) phrases was applied divided into reproductive culture axes.
The results came to show the importance of women’s health and care for their reproductive health in particular, as they are among the important issues related to sound health practices that enable women to enjoy sound physical and mental health, as it was clear through the research focusing on reproductive health elements related to safety of motherhood and family planning and avoiding mentioning many things. Related to the health of the mother as a giving mother and a nanny mother, and her care and the care of her child after birth.
In parallel with holding educational sessions by the National Council for Women to spread awareness of women's health among different segments of society, it finally recommended studying the proposal to include the reproductive health syllabus in the new regulations, which would provide girls with knowledge and practices that would prepare them for a happy and stable family life.


Main Subjects

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ثالثاً : مصادر الشبکة العنکبوتية :