The effect of pupil size and visual vision training on learning some types of shooting in basketball

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Theories and Applications of Team Sports and Racquet Sports, Faculty of Physical Education, Sadat City University

2 Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University


With the high level of intelligence of people related to the size of the pupil, we find that there is a clear increase in the level of skill performance and ease of learning, especially with insufficient time to teach the basic skills of basketball, as well as ball trajectories within matches, and knowledge of all parts of the stadium and the surrounding awareness of it. Skill and provide educational steps as well as feedback to them, but they lose the good performance of skills with the ball or in different situations and slowness in moving to pass and poor ability to determine the direction of the ball’s flight to shoot. Within the limits of the researchers' knowledge, he found a scarcity of linking the size of the pupil in the field of teaching to physical education in general, and basketball in particular, and its relationship to the level of intelligence and cognition.
In light of this, the researchers saw an attempt to measure the size of the pupil of the sample in question and to try to design an educational program using visual exercisesAnd knowing its effect on learning some basic skills in basketball for the sample in question.


Main Subjects

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