The components of E-learning complementary to traditional education in light of the international SCORM standards

Document Type : Original Article


department of curriculum and methods of teaching physical education, faculty of physical ed, helwan university


The components of e-learning complementary to traditional education in light of the international SCORM standards The study aimed to identify the elements of applying e-learning as a complement to traditional education in the light of the international SCORM standards in relation to the decisions of the departments of curricula and methods of teaching physical education in some faculties of physical education in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The researcher used the descriptive approach.The research community included faculty members in the departments of curricula and methods of teaching physical education in the Arab Republic of Egypt for 10 colleges of physical education in Egypt. the sample contents of (140) faculty members in some of the faculties of physical education in Egypt to conduct a basic research experiment. The results indicated that Determining a set of components for the application of e-learning as a complement to traditional education in the light of the international SCORM standards in relation to the decisions of the departments of curricula and methods of teaching physical education in Egypt, namely (elemental elements of managing e-learning systems - ingredients specific to the skills of the lecturer in e-learning - ingredients specific to the skills of the e-learning learner - Elements of electronic content - Elements of an e-learning environment).


Main Subjects


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