The relationship between biological age and some physiological and physical variables among healthy men attending and not attending health clubs in Minya city.

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education - minia univ.


The relationship between biological age and some physiological and physical variables among healthy men attending and not
attending health clubs in Minya city.
The lifestyle of the individual, especially with regard to following a healthy diet with the exercise of physical training and a healthy lifestyle, affects the biological age of the individual, which is largely determined by the adequacy of the physiological capabilities of the vital organs of the body, as the biological age is the one that largely expresses the functional state of the body. This study aims to identify the relationship between biological age and some physical and physiological characteristics by conducting some physiological measurements represented in fatigue index, heart rate, vital capacity, anaerobic capacity and maximum oxygen consumption, and some physical measurements of flexibility, agility, grip strength and endurance strength for individuals in the research sample. The results of the study found that there was a direct, statistically significant, correlation between biological age and each of the degree of muscle fatigue index and heart rate, as well as a negative inverse correlation with statistical significance between biological age and each of the vital capacity, anaerobic capacity, the ability to consume oxygen, flexibility, agility, grip strength and endurance Power


Main Subjects

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