The impact of an intensive training program on some physical and biochemical and the digital level of enemy facilities.

Document Type : Original Article


physical education faculty for girls


Introduction: It is known that the individual not only has the ability to carry out training loads, adapt to them, but also compensate for the excess by reaching a better level after the hospitalization phase in accordance with the Law on Increasing Training Pregnancy Over the past few years, the training volumes of elite and international players have doubled, currently reaching between 1,000 and 1,400 training hours, and the volume of training on competitions has also increased in the training year. Thus, increasing the size of the training pregnancy as a component of pregnancy during training periods ranging from 1-3 weeks contributes to early access over reaching the required physical level and changes the components of the body, and promotes achievement. Research objectives: Develop appropriate planning to form the contents of the training pregnancy cycle with an increase in the size of the training load that can be used during the available time range for loading after downtime to the date of the main competitions. To recognize the impact of using increased training load size on some physical and biochemical variables and the digital level of emerging players in the enemy competition


Main Subjects

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