The effectiveness of intensive decentralized training on some strength indicators and criteria for evaluating the technical and sports performance of kata players in karate according to international evaluation standards

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education for Boys / Zagazig University

2 Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Zagazig University


The research aims to identify the effectiveness of intensive decentralized training on some strength indicators and criteria for evaluating the technical and athletic performance of kata players in karate according to the international evaluation criteria. The research sample was chosen in a deliberate way from kata players (imaginary fight) in the Eastern Karate region, who obtained a black belt in the age group from (16-18) years, and the sample size was (26) players registered in the records of the Egyptian Karate Federation for the year (2021). /2022), The research aims to identify the effectiveness of intensive decentralized training on some strength indicators and criteria for evaluating the technical and athletic performance of kata players in karate according to the international evaluation criteria. The research sample was chosen in a deliberate way from kata players (imaginary fight) in the Eastern Karate region, who obtained a black belt in the age group from (16-18) years, and the sample size was (26) players registered in the records of the Egyptian Karate Federation for the year (2021). /2022),


Main Subjects

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