Bullying among juniors practicing competitive sports according to the type of sport

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University

2 faculty of physical Education,Helwan University

3 faculty of physical Education, Helwan University


Summary: Researsh
Bulling is an ancient phenomenon that has existed in all societies since a long time ago in the members of the human race, where they practice it in different forms and to varying degrees and appear when appropriate conditions are available, and although bullying behavior has existed in human societies since ancient times, the research on this topic is recent. Relatively speaking, behavior is bullying when it involves an unprovoked psychological, verbal, and physical attack on the victim
The aim of the research is to identify the differences in the responses of young males and females towards the scale of bullying behavior according to the type of individual and group sports. Therefore, the researcher used the descriptive approach, where she applied the scale of bullying behavior on male and female players in collective and individual sports activities in the governorates of Cairo and Giza on a sample of (240) aged between 240. Between (12-15) years, the most important results showed that there are statistically significant differences in all axes of the scale (Psychological bullying, social bullying, verbal bullying, cyber bullying, and physical bullying)
And the overall degree is in favor of social activities, meaning that bullying behavior is widespread and present in group activities more than individual activities .


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    ثانياً: المراجع باللغة الإنجليزية

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