Economic contributions and administrative policies for sports activities for all in the youth sports cities

Document Type : Original Article




The current research aims to identify the economic contributions and administrative policies of sports to achieve the economic return in the youth sports cities in the Arab republic of Egypt , the descriptive approach was used in the survey method for its suitability to the objectives and procedures of the research , and the research community included the beneficiary members of the youth sports cities in the Arab republic of Egypt , and the research sample consisted of practitioners and officials of sports activities and programs for all in youth sports cities where their number research(336) practitioners who were selected in a random stratified manner from the beneficiary members (the youth sports City in AL-Asmarat in Cairo) the questionnaire was presented to(5) experts in the field of physical education , sports management and recreation , and scientific transactions were carried out to ensure honesty and stability , the questionnaire was applied electronically by sending the link to the questionnaire ,and the following most important results were reached :1-there is need to a develop the investment process and develop New marketing methods for activities in youth Cities New sports .2- youth and sports city policies play a major role in achieving the economic return of sports for all by preparing tourist and sports places and facilities and taking care of the them to activate all groups


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