The effect of some movement control exercises in the water on the level of performance in swimming For students of Sultan Qaboos University

Document Type : Original Article


College of Sports for Girls, Helwan University College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University


The research aims to identify the motor control exercises of the body in the water and their impact on the performance levels in swimming for female students of an elective course in the swimming department at Sultan Qaboos University. The two researchers used the experimental method using (pre and post) measurements on two groups (experimental - control). The research sample was chosen in a purposive way. The research sample consisted of (14) female students. Two students were excluded for their non-compliance during the implementation, so the research sample became (12) female students, they were divided into two groups of (6) female students each. The most important results revealed that motor control exercises have a positive effect on improving swimming performance (Crawl-Stroke, backstroke, breaststroke), and there are statistically significant differences between the post measurements of the two groups in the level of performance and time (25m) for swimming (Crawl-Stroke Style, backstroke, breaststroke). The percentage change ranged between (7.76%: 17.53%) in favor of the experimental group


Main Subjects

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