Tabata Exercises and their Impact on some Special Physical Abilities and the Digital Level of the 800 Meter Race

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for Girls-Helwan University


The research aims to identify the effect of tabata exercises on some special physical abilities of the 800 meter race (speed endurance - muscular endurance - respiratory endurance), and the digital level of the 800-meter race.

The researchers used the experimental method using the pre and post-measurements design for two groups; one of them is control and the other is experimental. The research sample was chosen in a purposive random way from the students of the third year at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University, and their number was (45) students, they were randomly divided into a pilot sample of (5) students, an experimental group of (20) students, and a control group of (20) students.

The most important results is that there are statistically significant differences between experimental group the pre and post measurements in the physical abilities and the numerical level, where the improvement rates ranged between (68.21%, 11.62%). There are statistically significant differences between the post measurements of the experimental group and the control group in favor of the experimental group in physical abilities, and the digital level.

The researchers recommend benefiting from the Tabata exercises in developing different physical abilities for other competitions.


Main Subjects