The effect of using the embedding method on the learning dimensions of Marzano and learn some Basketball skills for middle school

Document Type : Original Article


Sports department faculty of physical education for girls Zagazig university


The research aimed to identify the effect of using the embedding method (containment) on the learning dimensions of Marzano and learning some skills in basketball for the preparatory stage for the second year preparatory school students at El-Sherbiny Preparatory School in Minya El-Qamh. The other is a control group, each consisting of (25) female students, in addition to (20) female students for the exploratory sample.

Among the most important results:

1- The proposed program, using the embedding method, had a positive effect on the variables under consideration for the students of the experimental group.

2- The traditional program, which depends on the explanation and the performance of the practical model, had a positive effect on the students of the control group in the variables under study.

3- The proposed program using the embedding method was more effective and positive than the traditional program in improving the learning dimensions of Marzano and the basketball skills under discussion, as the mean dimensional measurements of the experimental group that used the embedding method were better than the dimensional measurements of the control group that used the traditional method.

4- The involvement of all students in performing the exercises, each according to his level and taking into account individual differences, contributed to the improvement of the learning process.


Main Subjects