Construction scale of Psychological Flow for Distinguished students in sports in The Faculty of Physical Education Helwan University

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical education for Girls- Helwan University

2 Department Faculty of physical Education Helwan University

3 Helwan University


Psychological flow is one of the basic terms put forward by the Hungarian-American psychologist "Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi", one of the founding fathers of positive psychology. From employing his psychological energy and accompanied by a state of contentment and happiness, while postponing his personal desires and needs.

The aim of the research is to build a psychological flow scale for the mathematically distinguished female students at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in Cairo. The researcher used the descriptive approach in its survey style for its relevance and the nature of the study. The researcher built a scale of "Psychological Flow among the Mathematically Distinguished Students at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in Cairo", and relied on scientific methods in construction using the validity of the arbitrators, the validity of the content, and the validity of the internal consistency. 125) A statement after verifying the validity and reliability of the scale, and the researcher used the appropriate statistical means.

The researcher concluded the following:

In light of the aim of the research and based on the results of the statistical analysis to achieve the goal, the researcher came up with the construction of a measure of "psychological flow among the mathematically distinguished female students at the Faculty of Physical Education in Cairo.

The scale contained (125) items, distributed over (8) eight axes


Main Subjects