The level of quality of recreational services in health clubs in Cairo governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of physical education for girls

2 helwan university

3 Department of Sports Administration and Recreation - Faculty of Physical Education - Helwan University - Cairo -Egypt


Research Summary

The research aims to build a questionnaire to evaluate recreational services in health clubs in Cairo Governorate. Today, recreational services have become one of the criteria for the progress or backwardness of societies as an influential force in shaping individuals. Therefore, the modern theory of recreational services is not limited to being just a human right, but it is also a means to serve society. The health club must achieve a high level of services provided by satisfying the needs and desires of the members

Through the researcher’s work as an aerobics and Zumba trainer and health club manager, she noticed that some of these clubs provide recreational services to the beneficiaries that do not match the list of conditions and standards for the quality of recreational services they provide to the beneficiaries, which are received from the higher management, and therefore these services lack their ability to achieve the needs of And the desires of the beneficiaries for which they practice activities to achieve their goals of practice, and among these goals is the desire of many who frequent health clubs to get rid of life pressures.

The researcher concluded from the results of the research that the degree of the level of recreational services in health clubs in Cairo governorate was achieved to a high degree. The scale was applied to those attending health clubs, where the results showed that the level of recreational services in health clubs in Cairo governorate was high


Main Subjects