The relationship of smash hit to some physiological and physical fitness variables for sitting volleyball players

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Pe For Girls- Helwan University.

2 Faculty of Physical Education for Boys_ Helwan University

3 Faculty of Physical Education, Girls of Gezira, Helwan University


The study aimed to identify the study aims to know the relationship of crushing to some physiological variables (air capacity - pulse rate - lactic acid) for the first team volleyball players sitting, and to know the relationship of crushing to some physical variables (explosive force - flexibility - transitional speed) for the first team players For sitting volleyball, as for the research method and its field procedures, where the researchers used the descriptive approach to suit it with the problem of the study, The researchers used the following data collection tools: devices for measuring physiological and physical variables, taking measurements of players, tools (such as stopwatches, ropes, cones and other tools), analyzing scientific references and previous studies, conducting personal interviews with experts, forms and physical and skill tests. To a set of conclusions, which is the existence of a positive relationship between crushing hitting and the physical fitness of sitting volleyball players, and the existence of a positive relationship between crushing hitting and the physiological fitness of sitting volleyball players.


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