Emotional excitation and its relationship to emotional balance during competition and its impact on the level of skill performance of fencing epee players

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor, Department of Combat and Individual Sports, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University


The research aims to identify the relationship between emotional arousal and emotional balance and its impact on the skill performance during competition among sword fencing players. The rest of the sample was divided into (7) players to conduct the exploratory study to calculate the scientific transactions (honesty and stability) only (31) players for the fencing sword weapon and the participants in the Republic Championship under 17 years old. Moral among fencing sword players a sample under investigation in the factors of emotional arousal and emotional balance, the emergence of a significant correlation between emotional balance and some basic skills, high emotional balance helps to perform the movements perfectly, the level of technical performance of skills performs correctly despite the excitement of the players during play, and who is characterized by With emotional balance and control over the psychological aspects and his emotions, he has the ability to decide the result, achieve the touch and achieve achievement.


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