La realidad de la rotación laboral de los especialistas deportivos en la Dirección de Juventud y Deportes de la gobernación de Giza

Document Type : Original Article


1 Sports specialist, the first directorate of youth and sports in Giza

2 Profesor y Director del antiguo Departamento de Gestión Deportiva, Facultad de Educación Física, El Haram for Boys, Universidad de Helwan

3 Department of Sports Administration and Recreation - Faculty of Physical Education - Helwan University - Cairo -Egypt


Job rotation is a modern administrative technique through which there are equal opportunities for workers to demonstrate their abilities and skills at work and to create a new boom through which the capabilities and capabilities of institutions can be developed and given an advantage to compete among similar institutions. Its employees and eliminating routine, monotony and bureaucracy, discovering the different skills of workers and assisting the Human Resources Department in selecting future leaders and preparing ranks of leaders who are able to challenge the difficulties and economic and administrative competition of institutions, and fill the human deficit with the human resource tool and face any unexpected problems in the future.

Therefore, institutions and administrative bodies try in light of the characteristics and needs of their members; Develop their skills and give them experience in dealing, which makes them able to expand supervision within the administration.

The researcher believes that job rotation may be a solution to the aforementioned problems, as it is one of the methods and techniques of development in the fields of work, and that organizational change is a method of modern management that is practiced to provide an opportunity for the largest number of sports specialists in the Directorate of Youth and Sports.


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