The effect of T - Bar Row training on some physical variables and the digital level I have a 400m sprinter

Document Type : Original Article


Department Athletics-Faculty of Physical Education - Minia University - Minia - Egypt.


The current study aimed to try to identify the effect of T - Bar Row exercises on some physical variables and the digital level of the 400m runner, where the researcher used the experimental method due to its suitability to the nature of this research. The researcher also selected the research sample in a deliberate way from athletics players in some sports clubs in Minya Governorate for the Sunni stage under 16 years, where the number was (10) players as a basic sample with a percentage of (62.5%), and an exploratory sample was chosen from the same research community. But from outside the main research sample, which numbered (6) players with a percentage of (37.5%), and one of the most important results reached by the researcher was that T-Bar Row exercises have a positive effect on the level of some physical variables, where Cohen (d) values ranged between (0.92: 3.70), and T - Bar Row exercises have a positive effect on the digital level, where the value of Cohen(d) is (1.91).


Main Subjects