The role of marketing intelligence in developing the quality of health club service

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education for girls - helwan university


The research aims to stdy the study of the reality of marketing intelligence and the degree of service quality in health clubs and the relationship between them and the degree of contribution of marketing intelligence to the development of service quality in health clubs. The research, by (88) for the basic study sample, and (30) as an exploratory sample from the research community and outside the basic sample, In order to obtain the data, the researcher built two questionnaires, where the form included a questionnaire (marketing intelligence in health clubs) on (50) phrases and questionnaire (service quality in clubs). Health Clubs) on (47) ,The most important results indicated in the light of the research objective and its questions and within the limits of the research sample and through the data collection tools and the method of statistical data processing, the researcher was able to reach the practice of managing health clubs for marketing intelligence in the health clubs under research at a high degree and the availability of service quality in the health clubs under study at a high degree, and the presence of A statistically significant relationship between marketing intelligence and service quality, And that the service intelligence achieved the percentage of the first contribution to the development of the service of tangible material aspects, , reliability, sympathy, safety and trust, and customer intelligence occupied the percentage of the first contribution to the development of the speed of response service .


Main Subjects