The effectiveness of a rehabilitation program on musculoskeletal pain in pregnant women.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Biological Sciences and Sports Health. Faculty of Physical Education. Helwan University. Qalyubia.

2 Biological Sciences and Sports Health. Faculty of Physical Education. Helwan University. cairo

3 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo.


The study aims that pregnancy affects in some way the deviations of the skeleton that have a great relationship with the position of the pelvis, and these deviations appear clearly in the natural curvatures of the spine and this results in an increase in the proportion of concavity or convexity in the different areas of the spine..... In pregnant women as a result Physiological changes that occur to them may affect these curves, by increasing or decreasing, as a result of not practicing sports and physical exercises in the period before or during pregnancy, especially after.... It may also not occur any change as a result of this pregnancy... And this question prompted the researcher To conduct a study to identify some of the vertebral skeleton deviations that may be prevalent among pregnant women during pregnancy,

There is a relationship between the age of the pregnant woman and her ability to perform exercise, where the sample was from the age of (32-40) and the practices of sports and non-practices, due to the weakness that occurs as a result of the changes that occur in pregnancy, The results also showed that the rehabilitative exercises played an important role in reducing the pain rate of pregnant women in the locomotor system by a high rate of up to 60%, as there was a difference in the rate of development in the physical variables of pregnant women who practice sports than others.


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