The effect of an educational program using the collective method on the skill level and swimming performance time for female students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Boys - Girls, Port Said University

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physicalEducation portsaid University


Educational institutions seek to develop and advance in their methods on all elements of the educational process from inputs and outputs to the continuous development of education in line with the modern roles that educational institutions aspire to, all in order to achieve a suitable environment for the learner and bring him to the best levels. The importance of research lies in knowing the impact of The collective learning method on the skill level of the students in the belly crawl swimming method, in order to help the swimming teachers and coaches in choosing the appropriate educational method. belly The researcher assumed that there were statistically significant differences between the tribal and remote measurements of the experimental group at the skill level, the time of backstroke performance in favor of the post-measurement. To conduct the exploratory experiment on them, so that the basic research sample becomes (15) students from the second year students in the summer term, and the conclusions reached by the researcher came using the collective education method in teaching backstroke swimming.


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