"Establishing Special Physical Parameters Battery For Gymnastics Players at 10 years stage "

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Helwan University in Cairo

2 physical education helwan university


Gymnastics is one of the basic sports that receives great attention in many countries, and the progress of countries is measured through this sport. The nature of performance on different gymnastics equipment helps in the harmonious growth of the various muscles of the body and the development of physical determinants in a comprehensive manner.
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The gymnast must possess many of the physical determinants of gymnastics, which are (muscular strength, muscular ability, neuromuscular compatibility, flexibility, balance, speed, agility, skin) and these physical determinants of the gymnast must be developed in a balanced manner.
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And the study of both Alexander and Dragan (Aleksandar, Dragan) (2007) confirmed the existence of a positive relationship between physical determinants and skill performance of young people.
The results of the study of Sahar Morsi (2011) indicated that the development of the component of muscular ability led to a significant improvement in the level of skill performance on the device of two bars of different heights.
Rana Muhammad Zuhdi (2014), Saudia Rushdi (2015) and Mawda Magdy (2019) agreed that improving physical determinants led to an improvement in the level of skill performance.
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