The Effect of Breakletics Training on Some Special Physical Abilities and Performance Level in Fencing Sports

Document Type : Original Article


1 Physical education for girls helwan university

2 College of physical education for girls helwan university


This study was conducted to identify the effect of Breakletics exercises on muscular ability response speed and performance level in the sport of fencing. The research sample was chosen by the intentional method from the fourth year students to specialize in fencing for the academic year( 2021-2022) Their number was(20) students and they were divided into ( 10) students a basic sample and 10 students an exploratory sample and the program was applied In the College of Physical Education in Al-Jazeera, the researcher used the experimental method of single group design by measuring tribune , interdimensional , and interdimensional tosuit the nature of the research , One of the most important results is that the training program using Breakletics exercises has a positive effect on developing the level of performance of skills for the sample under study and the level of muscular ability and the speed of response for the sample under study One of the most important recommendations is to work on the use of breakletics exercises within the methods of sports training techniques,using breakletics exercises to develop physical abilities that have a positive effect on improving those abilities .

Keywords : Breakletics – Fencing – Muscular ability


Main Subjects