The effect of using trx exercises on motor rhythm and some basic skills for junior soccer goalkeepers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Of Physical Education - University Of Sadat City

2 Faculty of Physical Education, Sadat City University


The two researchers conducted a study with the aim of identifying the effect of using TRX exercises on the movement rhythm and some basic skills of the young soccer goalkeepers. And registered in Menoufia Football, the sports season 2022/2023 AD, in the name of their number (6) goalkeepers from Al-Nujoom Sports Club in Sadat City. TRX training was used for a period of (10) weeks, with (3) training training units, and the time of the training unit ranged from 90-120 minutes. with the experimental group.

The most important results were that the proposed training program for the experimental group achieved a positive effect with statistically significant differences in the post-measurement from the pre-measurement in testing the ability to motor rhythm and skill tests under study and in favor of the post-measurement, where the rates of change for the experimental group in the research variables ranged between (23.84%) 159.13%) The researchers recommended the use of TRX exercises in soccer goalkeeper training programs.


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