Requirements for the: application of cost management methods in the Egyptian Judo Federation

Document Type : Original Article


Kafr El- Sheikh University Faculty of Physical Education


Research Summary
The concept of cost management in sports institutions: are the activities carried out by
managers to use resources in order to increase the value achieved for beneficiaries in order to achieve the objectives of the institution, reduce costs and make decisions. (7: 9)
The research aims to identify the requirements for the application of cost management methods in the Egyptian Judo Federation by identifying: The concept and importance of cost management. In the Egyptian Judo Federation
And the steps of effective cost management in the Egyptian Judo Federation and the cost management methods that can be used in the Egyptian Judo Federation (cost measurement, cost analysis - performance evaluation - performance development and improvement
The method used was the descriptive approach, due to its relevance to the nature of the research and its objectives. The research sample was a deliberate sample represented in the Egyptian Judo Federation. The number of the research sample was 45 individuals from the Egyptian Judo Federation. The research sample was chosen by the deliberate stratified method. It was one of the most important data collection tools, the personal interview and a questionnaire form .
One of the most important conclusions was to conduct training courses for the
employees of the Judo Federation on how to implement cost management and provide
Prof. Nady Ahmed Ali, Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management - Faculty of Physical Education - Kafr El-Sheikh University
