Animation as an introduction to exploratory motor activities to develop basic motor skills and environmental awareness of kindergarten

Document Type : Original Article


1 School of Physical Education in Mansoura College Schools

2 Department of Curriculum & Teaching Methods of Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Education Girls in Cairo, Helwan University


The aim of the research is to identify the role of animation as an accompanying approach to exploratory motor activities to develop basic motor skills and environmental awareness of kindergarten children:

An educational program using animation to develop basic motor skills and environmental awareness for kindergarten children.

The researcher used the experimental approach, with its steps and procedures, due to its suitability to the nature of the research using one group through the pre-post design of the experimental group. Where the research community included (30) boys and girls from Mansoura College International School, Mansoura Educational Administration, and the number of the basic sample for the research was (15) boys and girls, and the exploratory sample was (15) students, with a total of (50%) of the children. The research community in Dakahlia Governorate for the Sunni stage (5-7) years, enrolled in the academic year (2021-2022 AD). The results were the animated educational program, which showed a positive effect on the development of basic motor skills. There are statistically significant differences between the tribal and remote measurements of the research sample in favor of the post-measurement. One of the most important recommendations is the application of the educational program using animation as an input accompanying the motor exploration activities to develop basic motor skills and environmental awareness of the kindergarten child.


Main Subjects