The Effect of Flexi Bar Exercise On Muscle Strength And Skill Level For Back Crawl Swimming

Document Type : Original Article


1 جامعة حلوان

2 قسم الرياضات المائية كلية التربية الرياضية جامعة حلوان

3 faculty of physical education for girls Helwan university


Swimming is a type of water sport that uses the water environment as a way of moving through the movements of arms, men and torso in order to improve human efficiency physically, skillfully and socially And swimming as a type of water sport is very important among other sports, The amount of significant progress that has emerged in recent years as records continue to be broken year after year The aim of this research is to recognize the impact of vibratory elasticity bar drills on muscle strength and skill level for back crawl swimming, The researcher used the experimental curriculum using the experimental design of two experimental groups, one experimental and the other a control of tribal and remote measurements The research sample was selected from the third division students of the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls University of Helwan, and the research sample consisted of (35) Students, the search was applied for (6) weeks by (3) units per week, After statistically processing the data, the researcher reached the most important conclusions that vibratory flexibility bar exercises had a positive impact on muscle strength, flexibility, skill level and digital level of crawl swimming on the back. The most important recommendations were the application of the Bar of Resilience training to female students of the Faculty of Sports Education for girls in the field of crawl swimming on the back.


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