Digital media and its role in building a value system for Egyptian sports fans.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Sports management and recreation , physical education for girls, Helwan University .

2 Sports psychology In physical education faculty, Benha university

3 Sports management and recreation in physical education for girls , Helwaan university


The purpose of this study was to determine the role of digital media in the development of Egyptian sports audiences' value systems, using an exploratory sample of 40 Egyptian sports audiences and a core sample of 220 Egyptian sports audiences. The descriptive curriculum was used by the researchers. The questionnaire designed by researchers is one of the data collection tools, and it includes four axes: The role of digital media in the development of social value in Egyptian sports audiences, the role of digital media in the development of sports value in Egyptian sports audiences,the role of digital media in the development of knowledge value in Egyptian sports audiences, and the role of digital media in the development of economic value in Egyptian sports audiences. One of the researchers' most important findings is that digital media plays a role in the social value system of Egyptian sports audiences, with a high degree of relative weight (88.58%). One of the researchers' most important recommendations is that attention be paid to addressing issues such as unemployment and youth, as well as providing suitable employment opportunities for all disciplines.


Main Subjects