Gliding Workouts Effectiveness on the Psychological Energy, Some Physical Fitness Elements and Performance Skill Level in Exercises Rhythmic

Document Type : Original Article


كلية التربية الرياضية للبنات - جامعة الزقازيق


The aims of this research are identifying the effect of Gliding workouts impact on the psychological energy, some physical fitness elements and performance skill level in rhythmic exercises. The experimental approach was used in a pre and post-measurement method, where the research sample represents 70 female students from the first year of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Zagazig University for the academic year 2021 / 2022 AD, the sample (70 female students) was divided into two equal groups, each of 35 female students, ten female students from the academic class as a third group to conduct exploratory experiments. The most important results obtained were:
1- There are significant differences and relative improvement between the average of pre and posttest measurement on in rhythmic exercises for the control group in favor of the post measurement.
2- There are significant differences and relative improvement between the average of pre and posttest measurement on psychological energy, some physical fitness elements and performance skill level in rhythmic exercises to experimental group in favor of the post measurement.
3- There are significant differences and relative improvement between the average of two posttest measurement for control and experimental group on psychological energy, some physical fitness elements and performance skill level in rhythmic exercises for experimental group.


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