A suggested cognitive achievement test using the QR code in the educational technology course for students of the Faculty of Physical Education

Document Type : Original Article


Curricula and Teaching Methods - Faculty of Physical Education - Aswan University


title -A suggested cognitive achievement test using the rapid response code in the educational technology course for students of the Faculty of Physical Education-The current research aims to propose a cognitive achievement test using the rapid response code in the educational technology course for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Aswan University
The researcher used the descriptive approach because it is appropriate to the nature of the research
The research community and sample are experts in the field of curricula and methods of teaching physical education.
To collect data for the research, the researcher used the personal interview, and tests (the proposed customary achievement test using the rapid response code) (prepared by the researcher).
One of the most important results was the effectiveness of using the rapid response code in the cognitive achievement of the educational technology course in physical education.
In light of the findings of the current research, the researcher recommends the following:
1- Work on producing many different motor activities in cooperation with experts and specialists in educational technology.
2- Conducting similar studies using the QR code.
