The effect of using educational dramatic stories on reducing hyperactivity and developing communication skills and social competence for pre-school children

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education - Benha University


Through the researcher's review of many previous studies, which indicated deficiencies in the teaching of motor education for kindergarten children, which led to the child's lack of communication skills and social skills, as well as the lack of satiation of the motor energy available to him, as well as the existence of a group of children with hyperactivity who are unable to continue or retain They pay attention for a long time, as well as not finish what is required of them, and they are characterized by impulsiveness, which causes them to make many mistakes, so they move excessive movements without a clear and specific goal, which drew the attention of the researcher to conduct this study, in which she dealt with the "effect of using educational drama stories on reducing excessive motor activity and developing social competence For Kindergarten Children "The research aims to identify the effect of using educational dramatic stories on reducing excessive motor hyperactivity and developing communication skills and social competence for kindergarten children.
