The effect of a suggested training program on the performance level of the Back Split With Help skill for rhythmic gymnasts

Document Type : Original Article


1 Helwan University Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in Gezira

2 Physical Education Facultyfor Girls in Gezira Helwan University


A research titled “The effect of a proposed training program on the performance level of the Back Split With Help skill for rhythmic gymnastics players”. 16) female players under (9,10) years old in 2022 AD (the research community), and (6) female players were chosen to conduct the survey on them, and (10) female players from the main sample of the research. The researchers used the experimental approach by designing pre-post-measurement for one group. The training program included various exercises (ballet exercises - Squat exercises - foam roller exercises - stretching and knee extension exercises). The results revealed a positive effect of the proposed training program on the performance level of the back split with help skill, and there were statistically significant differences at a significant level of 0.01. The researchers recommended using the proposed training program as a means to improve the skillful performance of balances in rhythmic gymnastics.

(Rhythmic gymnastics - sports training programs – balances).
