Designing atraining program using the isokinetic device to improve the pelvic muscle group and the level of achievement for 110m/hurdlers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Helth Scince , helwan universty ,

2 Field and track competition, faculty of physical education ,helwan,university, cairo,egypt

3 Health sciences,faculty of physical education ,helwan university,cairo,egypt

4 Faculty of Physical Education,health sciences department,banha university,egypt


Design a training program using the Isokintic device to improve the pelvic muscle range and achievement level of the player
The research aims to recognize the design of a training program using the Isokintic device to recognize the effect of isokinatic training to improve the range of pelvic muscles and the level of achievement of the 110m
The researcher used the experimental curriculum in the experimental design of one group using tribal, interpersonal and remote measurement.
The search sample was selected in a deliberate manner from 110 m playerswhere the basic sample size (8) players and (3) players were used in the survey
The researcher used tools, devices and tests suited to the nature and objectives of the research within the practical application of the research experience.
One of the most important findings of the study was that there is a positive effect of isoquinatic training from muscle contractions that depend on special devices, while controlling the stability of the angle of the joint on which the muscles operate.
In the researcher's view, the use of isochintic devices has a remarkable result on muscle groups for maximum contraction ability at all stages of performance.
• Isokinatic training has a positive effect on all isokinatic variables under research, such as (torque force in capture, simplicity, torque in relation to body capture, simplicity, work in capture, simplicity, motor range), skill performance and numeracy.
• Need to pay attention to the establishment of a muscle performance assessment coefficient
