The effect of using pair exercises on some harmonious physical abilities and the level of Psychological flow of students of the Faculty of Physical Education,Tanta University

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education


The aim of the research is to identify the effect of using marital exercises on the level of some harmonic physical variables and psychological flow for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University. (2022/2023) at the Faculty of Physical Education, and (16) students were selected for the experimental group, (16) students for the control group, and (12) students as an exploratory sample from outside the basic sample and inside the research sample, and the researcher relied on the application of marital exercises with the experimental group In a pair group framework, then performing a set of pair exercises on the musical rhythm, then each pair of the students created a pair sentence with or without tools and performed it with a musical rhythm of their choice. under consideration.The researcher also recommended the need for marital exercises for students of faculties of physical education due to its importance in raising the physical and harmonious level of students and breaking the barrier of boredom from traditional exercises.
