Designing an applied model based on the theory of motor schema to improve learning the performance of some Sports skills among primary school students.

Document Type : Original Article



The research aims to design an applied model based on the motor scheme theory to improve the learning of the performance of some Sports skills among primary school students, by conducting a descriptive exploration of the components and elements of control and the underlying and interdependent relationships between them. And building an applied model that includes controlling environmental dynamic variables affecting learning and acquiring basic Sports skills in group games. And design a motor program based on the proposed model.
The research community is represented by the fourth-grade students in the primary stage, whose ages range from 10 to 12 years. The researchers analyzed the content of the literature and scientific research specialized in the motor schema theory to identify the dimensions of the cognitive structure and the conceptual framework for building an applied model that includes controlling the environmental motor variables affecting the Learning and acquiring basic Sports skills in group games based on the motor scheme theory, and the researchers reached to build and form the applied model under study.
The results of the search revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the dimensional measurement between the experimental and control groups, in favor of the experimental group in the variables of basic motor skills, after the end of the second phase of the motor program.
One of the most important recommendations of the research is the necessity of conducting field and applied experiments of the Motor plan theory.
