Dermatoglyphics fingerprint analysis methodology in the selection of gifted mathematicians

Document Type : Original Article


Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of fingerprints, lines, textures, and shapes of hands. It also refers to the bumps that are naturally present on certain parts of the body, such as the palm, fingers, soles, and toes. Dermotoglyphics is like a map that leads one to understand one's potential and talents. Each person inherits innate intelligence from his parents. And through Dermatoglyphy analysis, we can accurately understand the distribution and quantity of cells in the right and left side of the brain, and predict where the potential is. , so that the right and left sides of the brain grow in a more balanced way. One of the interests of sports science is to search for methodologies that can help in discovering potential athletes, and some research has been conducted in an attempt to identify and characterize the genetic appearance of skin tags (fingerprints), to determine genetic features And physical for some football players, basketball. Volleyball, table tennis, fingerprint indices were calculated, the number of drawings for the 10 fingers, and they also classified common human dermatotypes (Gastélum-Cuadras, 2022), - the methodology according to the protocol proposed by Cummins and Midlo (1961) consisted of taking fingerprints of the hands 10, which was previously based on ink and paper or a magnifying glass. Currently, fingerprint analysis is performed using Dermatoglyphic software. The results show that the most common fingerprint in athletes is the Ulnar loop (LU), followed by Whorl. More should be done.
